
Health & Social Care

Promoting lifelong engagement in a passion for health and exercise as well as independent skills, a fostering the knowledge to implement a healthy lifestyle.

Health and Social Care explores the values of care, empathy and wellbeing at its heart. Students apply their learning to real-life scenarios through the three components. The course allows the students to develop their knowledge of human lifespan development, health and social care services and values and finally health and wellbeing. Emotional development is a crucial area of the Health and Social Care curriculum and is linked directly to physical and intellectual wellbeing. Students develop an empathetic approach to working with people and explore how others can be supported. Problem solving, teamwork and presentations allow for students to collaborate and build on skills which can push them out of their comfort zone. Students can see care workers demonstrating the skills, attributes and values either through videos or through care home visits and can demonstrate them themselves.

The Health and Social Care curriculum hopes to give students an insight to the services and values of the care industry and produce a more rounded individual who can understand other people better after looking at all the four developments over a person's lifespan.

Students apply their learning to real-life scenarios through the three components. The course allows the students to develop their knowledge of human lifespan development, health and social care services and values and finally health and wellbeing. It is 60% coursework based (which involves essay writing but also demonstrating the care values) and 40% exam based (which involves applying all their knowledge in a real-life scenario).

Health and Social Care Curriculum Sequence

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