Curriculum Statement

At Everest Community Academy, our overall intent is to open doors for all of our students by providing a broad and balanced curriculum which ignites curiosity, raises aspirations, and fosters a life-long love for learning. Our curriculum is designed to reflect our core values (aspire, enrich, belong) and empower students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.  

We prepare students for the future, ensuring that they are familiar with all the destinations and opportunities available to them. We envision our students embarking on exciting journeys beyond school, so whether it's higher education, vocational training, or employment, we want them to have a clear path ahead of them. This involves equipping them with essential skills such as problem-solving, communication, resilience and adaptability.  

Every student is unique, and our curriculum respects individuality. We offer a range of subjects and pathways, allowing students to make informed choices. Whether it's pursuing arts, sciences, humanities, or vocational courses, we support and encourage their aspirations and ambitions. We provide many opportunities for enrichment as we prepare our students for life beyond Everest. 

Every student deserves to feel a sense of belonging. Our curriculum emphasises inclusivity, celebrating diversity in all its forms. Across all subject areas, we help students appreciate different perspectives and build compassion for others. We foster a school community where everyone feels valued and heard and we provide a safe space for students to express their views and thoughts. 

Key Stage Three

In years 7 and 8 students study English, maths and science, art, computing, dance, drama, food, geography, history, philosophy and ethics, physical education, technology and Spanish. 

During year 9, students are guided through the options process and are given guidance and support on which route best suites them.  

Our key stage three curriculum is significantly challenging to ensure that students have been taught the necessary skills and knowledge to be equipped to move onto key stage four in year 10 with great success.

Key Stage Four

Students complete key stage four across two years which allows them to successfully cover the content and depth of knowledge required.  The compulsory subjects are: English, maths, science as well as PE and Personal Development which are non-examined subjects.

The remainder of curriculum time is individual and personalised; students are allocated four option choices. This means that most students undertake ten GCSEs.  Options subjects are reviewed each year depending on the interest and ability of the year group and currently include: 3D design, business studies, computing, dance, drama, art, design technology, geography, health and social care, hospitality and catering, history, PE, religious studies and Spanish.

For further information about our curriculum please contact Mr Messingham:

Email Mr Messingham





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