Home School Agreement

This agreement has been drawn up in consultation with pupils, parents, staff and governors and all pupils and parents are requested to read, agree and sign it when they join the school.

Name of child:

I will:

  • Ensure my attendance is above 95% for school and be punctual to both school and lessons
  • Abide by the school expectations and be polite and helpful to others
  • Wear the correct school uniform at all times
  • Show acceptable behaviour and treat all members of the community with respect, including when travelling to and from school
  • Look after and respect the school environment, including keeping the school free from litter
  • Be prepared, organised and correctly equipped for school every day
  • Take responsibility for my own and be aware of others' safety
  • Do my school work to the best of my ability and take responsibility for my own learning
  • Always complete my homework to the best of my ability

Name of parent/person with responsibility for child:

I/we will:

  • Ensure that my/our child's attendance is above 95% for school and is punctual to school
  • Take all holidays during school holiday times
  • Ensure that my/our child is prepared, organised and correctly equipped for school everyday
  • Support the school's behaviour policy, which includes:
    • supporting the uniform policy
    • supporting the school rewards system
    • supporting sanctions set by the school (e.g. detentions)
  • Encourage my/our child to participate in the school extra-curriculum programme
  • Support my/our child to complete their homework
  • Contact the school whenever important issues concerning my/our child arise
  • Update the school when any essential data and information changes (e.g. change of telephone number/e-mail address)
  • Support the wider life of the school in line with school policies
  • Attend parents' evenings and discussions on my/our child's progress

The school will:

  • Care for the well-being and safety of your child and ensure that your child achieves his/her full potential as a valued member of the school community
  • Offer a broad and balanced curriculum to meet the individual needs of your child
  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility
  • Offer opportunities for enrichment through a wide range of extra-curricular activities
  • Provide parents with regular information on the school and your child’s progress
  • Be open, welcoming and offer opportunities for parents to be involved in the life of the school
  • Provide well-qualified teachers and the best resources for learning

Click here for the Home School Agreement 2023/24

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